> About us > TRIZ Experts



Valeri Souchkov


e-mail : valeri@xtriz.com


TRIZ Master(level 5) certified by MATRIZ(International TRIZ Association),
TRIZ Trainer & Expert certified by G. Altshuller,
Co-founder of Invention Machine Inc.
Co-founder of ETRIA (European TRIZ Association)
CEO of ICG Training & Consulting


- co-found ¡®Invention Machine Inc.¡¯ (1989)
- (executive position & responsible for knowledge engineering, conceptual design)
- certified as a TRIZ Trainer and expert by TRIZ founder, ¡®G. Altshuller¡¯ (1991)
- affiliated researcher of the University of Twente (The Netherlands)
- developed TRIZ training course with the Dutch Organization of Post-Academic
- Technical Education (PATO)
- developed and has been running training and consulting of ¡®Systematic Innovation¡¯- - (2003~)
- co-founder & vice-president of ETRIA(European TRIZ Association)
- developed ¡®Strategic Technology and Business Innovation Program (STBI)¡¯
- CEO of ICG Training & Consulting (2013 ~)
- TRIZ Master(level 5) certified by MATRIZ(International TRIZ Association)
- customers : ASML, DSM, General Electric, Getronics, Philips, Siemens, Unilever -- - etc.