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2014 - Coaching Patent Circumvention Projects for Hyundai Mobis

* Hyundai - Projects for Patent Circumvention 

  11 projects for patent circumvention have been successfully done 
  for Hyundai Mobis in 2014 as done in 2013.

  Hongyul Yoon, CEO of TRIZ Center, has been coaching patent circumvention 
  according to OTSM-based TRIZ as the below procedure:   
  - Identification of the target patent
  - ENV analysis of the claims of the target patent
  - Problem modeling according to Patent Laws on Patent Infringement
  - Idea generation for circumvention of the target patent 
    according to Multi Screen Thinking of OTSM-based TRIZ

  One of the projects resulted in an innovative achievement to win
  the best innovation award given by the board members of Hyundai Mobis.

   We deeply appreciate the enthusiasm and activities of engineers and researchers 
   of Hyundai Mobis(one member of Hyundai Motors Group)

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