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New Project Ideation Coaching with OTSM-based TRIZ, 2015 for POSCO

 * Project Coaching with OTSM-based TRIZ for RIST (Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology) 

   For RIST which is one of POSCO Group Members, 

   Hongyul Yoon, CEO of TRIZ Center, finished coaching with OTSM-based TRIZ 

   for 13 real projects of 2015.

 The projects can be classified mainly into three groups as the following:

 1. Generation of solution ideas for making new project proposals through identification of 'critical problems': 

    Every research institute has to propose new projects for its own financial stability.

    That situation makes researchers look forward to plausible solution ideas 

    to the problems critical to potential supporters and customers.

    OTSM - based TRIZ can provide a systematic process to find the critical problems 

    through Advanced Multi Screen Thinking and other modernized TRIZ analytic tools.

 2. Solution idea generation to the chronic technical problems

 3. Patent circumvention        

 We would like to give our sincere gratitude to all researchers of RIST

 for their endeavor shown during TRIZ coaching.

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