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NTF (No Trouble Found) / Chronic Technical Problem Solving Coaching - Hyundai Mobis

* TRIZ Center has served Hyundai Mobis with coaching 

  how to treat with NTF(No Trouble Found) problems and

  chronic technical problems through this year, 2015.

  Beyond the NTF problem treatment experiece mainly in the electronic industry,

  NTF problem treatment in the automotive industry requires many branches of knowledge.

  Based on those expertises, OTSM-based TRIZ for NTF problem solving includes at least

  the following analytic methods which are adapted from ENV model viewpoint:

  - Subversion Analysis

  - Adapted KT Method   

  - Advanced Cause Effect Chain Analysis

  As for 'Chronic Technical Problems', the analysis of previous trials to solve problems comes first.

  It is followed by selection of the dead-ends.

  Finally, 'Networks of Contradictions' of OTSM is applied to identify the bottle necks 

  and come up with solution ideas.

  TRIZ Center deeply appreciate all helps and labors of Hyudai Mobis researchers and DFSS department members

  to overcome the difficulties caused by lack-of-knowledge and shortage-of-resources.

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