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OTSM - based TRIZ for Business/Start-up Idea Generation, 2016

 < OTSM - based TRIZ for Business/Start-up Idea Generation, 2016 >

  * In Daejeon of South Korea on August 4th in 2016,
   Hongyul Yoon, CEO of TRIZ Center, provided a training program of OTSM
   for university students who had devoted themselves to start-up activities.  
   The training program of OTSM was for business/start-up idea generation. 

   OTSM training program for business idea generation is an experiential and participatory course 
   which is composed of the following topics:
   - identification of the problems to initiate new big markets 
     (the relevant OTSM & TRIZ tools: ENV Analysis, Purpose Axis, Feature Transfer)

   - identification of causes of the problems  
     (the relevant OTSM & TRIZ tools: Multi Screen Thinking, Advanced Cause Effect Chain Analysis)

   - solution idea generation of the causal problems 
     (the relevant OTSM & TRIZ tools: Pointers to Effects for Non-technical Problem Solving, etc )

   - idea integration 
     (the relevant OTSM & TRIZ tools: Multi Screen Thinking, Problem Flow Technology )

 We were very encouraged by the feedback that all participants enjoyed the program so much and were helped a lot.

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