> TRIZ Warehouse > TRIZ Center Information



For [TRIZ Elite] of 2010, Samsung Electronics : [OTSM-2] Course

 *  Hongyul Yoon, CEO of TRIZ Center, delivered a lecture, 
   "OSTM - 2" course
    for TRIZ Elites of Samsung Electronics, from May 31 to June 4, 2010.

   The course was for over 20 engineers of Samsung Electronics 
   who had participated in "OTSM - 1" course.   

   Hongyul Yoon discussed Part 1 to Part 3 of ARIZ step by step according to the guide of OTSM.

   The TRIZ department of Samsung Electronics prepared all things for this valuable time 
   and TRIZ Center deeply appreciate what all members of it did for this course.

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