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Samsung Electronics - TRIZ Professional of 2011 : OTSM-based Course

 *  Hongyul Yoon, CEO of TRIZ Center, delivered a lecture, 
   "OSTM-based TRIZ" course
    for TRIZ Professionals of Samsung Electronics, from June to July, 2011.

   The course was for over 12 engineers of Samsung Electronics 
   who had already been doing consultation within Samsung Electronics.   

   Hongyul Yoon and the participants had deep discussion 
   about integration of modern TRIZ tools according to the guide of OTSM.

   We hope this course helped TRIZ Professionals of Samsung Electronics 
   to develop 'Samsung-customized TRIZ thinking ways' on their own.
   The TRIZ department of Samsung Electronics prepared all things for this valuable time 
   and deserved our deep gratitude.

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