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Customized Training for ICT : OTSM-based TRIZ for KT, the ICT leader of Korea

*  for 'KT', the leading company in ICT Industry of Korea,
   Hongyul Yoon, CEO of TRIZ Center, served special training courses 
   on OTSM-based TRIZ that were customized for ICT industry,
   from September 17th of 2014.

   These OTSM-based TRIZ courses were customized for ICT industry and included :

   - Hill Model based on ENV Model
   - Purpose Scale of Multi Screen Thinking of OTSM
   - Advanced Separation Principles for Non-technical Problem Solving
     of ICT Industry
   - On-site Problem Solving Coaching by Person-to-Person Way

   During less than 2 days for each coure,
   several feasible and practical solution concepts were developed
   about pretty tough problems 
   like a contradiction between software debugging and delivery satisfaction.   

   We would like to give our sincere gratitude to all KT members 
   who showed great enthusiasm for learning OTSM-based TRIZ.

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